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Arabian Dream 2020

Published on Issue n.1/2021 presented at the Dubai International Arabian Horse Championship 2021

Arabian Dream 2020

Written by Sonja Smaldone

Due to the second spike of Covid-19 pandemic in autumn 2020, the much-awaited 2nd edition of Arabian Dream was procrastinated to the long we- ekend from 11th to 13th December in the beautiful structures of “ASD Circolo Ippico del Cristallo” lo- cated nearby Treviso. Following the cancellation of the official dates with all the upheavals of the moment, ArabianVibe Srls, under the leadership of Mr. Gianluca Martino, kept working intensely, incessantly, and amazingly on the preparation of the event that besides the Ecaho affiliated B-International show hosted the Futurity Championship with the Females and Males born in 2020 sponsored by European Breeders Trust, the Aljassimya Amateur Classes sponsored by Aljas- simya Stud from Qatar and reserved for non-profes- sional handlers, the Straight Egyptian Event and the last leg of the Italian Show Tour 2020, reserved for horses born and bred in Italy and owned by Italian breeders. The Ecaho B - International Show registered a be- autiful handful of Arabian specimens coming from different parts of the world, including many natio- nal and international champion horses who already exist in the historical record. We had the privilege of working with an extraordinary judge panel com- posed of Mr. Gianmarco Aragno (Italy), Mr. Fausto Scanzi (Italy), Mrs. Anna Stajanowska (Poland), and Mrs. Michaela Wedined (Germany). Disciplinary Commissioners: Mr. Giampaolo Teo- baldelli (Italy); Mr. Roberto Ceccaroni (Italy) and Mr. Marco Capelli (Italy). In his quality as a Ring-master: Mr. Alberto Maner- ba (Italy). Italian architect and artist Federica Crestani with the Art & Horse exhibition of oil paintings and re- fined sculpture were the special guests at this 2nd edition. The whole competition could be followed live via Livestream thanks to the cameras of Arabian Essence (Italy). The second edition of Arabian Dream will be a date to remember for several different reasons. Following the lockdown from the beginning of April 2020 that had led to a period of stalemate in the morphology show industry, the success of the event organized by Gianluca Martino demonstrated its ability to act as a driving force for the resumption of the general activities, responding to the expecta- tions of many professionals, especially the youngest. The qualifying classes were all of outstanding qua- lity, the handlers were very focused, and each gave their best in the arena. The ending ceremony was very moving. At some point, the judges put their right hand at the height of their heart to the tune of Michael Jackson’s s Heal The World. They were all standing together in the middle of the arena. And we even saw a glimmer of a tear in the eye of some. In the tribunes, spectators were overwhelmed by the joyful atmosphere and the halo of magic surrounding the arena. Therefore, it seems fair to thank first of all the crea- tor of the Arabian Dream 2021, Mr. Gianluca Marti- no, for all the efforts he made in a situation characte- rized by a thousand critical issues. Good boy! Thanks to Mr. Adriano Della Vella, owner of ASD Centro Ippico del Cristallo, and all his staff for the warm hospitality and first-class cooperation. Thanks to Maria Baleri, Stefano Serni and Fieraca- valli Verona for having been the best Partner ever in this project. Thanks to Anna Scarpa, the voice that talked smo- othly all along with the show. Thanks to photo- graphers Paola Drera and Alessio Azzali. Their stun- ning shots will always testify to the success and the joy of those days. Thanks to Debora Martino, we all admired her hard work as general secretary of the show. In conclusion, we want to express our most heartfelt thank you to all the sponsors supporting the event so eagerly and so generously.

Arabian Dream 2020

Written by Sonja Smaldone

ARABIAN DREAM 2020 ECAHO B - INTERNATIONAL SHOW - Treviso Written by Sonja Smaldone Due to the second spike of Covid-19 pandemic in autumn 2020, the much-awaited 2nd edition of Arabian Dream was procrastinated to the long we- ekend from 11th to 13th December in the beautiful structures of “ASD Circolo Ippico del Cristallo” lo- cated nearby Treviso. Following the cancellation of the official dates with all the upheavals of the moment, ArabianVibe Srls, under the leadership of Mr. Gianluca Martino, kept working intensely, incessantly, and amazingly on the preparation of the event that besides the Ecaho affiliated B-International show hosted the Futurity Championship with the Females and Males born in 2020 sponsored by European Breeders Trust, the Aljassimya Amateur Classes sponsored by Aljas- simya Stud from Qatar and reserved for non-profes- sional handlers, the Straight Egyptian Event and the last leg of the Italian Show Tour 2020, reserved for horses born and bred in Italy and owned by Italian breeders. The Ecaho B - International Show registered a be- autiful handful of Arabian specimens coming from different parts of the world, including many natio- nal and international champion horses who already exist in the historical record. We had the privilege of working with an extraordinary judge panel com- posed of Mr. Gianmarco Aragno (Italy), Mr. Fausto Scanzi (Italy), Mrs. Anna Stajanowska (Poland), and Mrs. Michaela Wedined (Germany). Disciplinary Commissioners: Mr. Giampaolo Teo- baldelli (Italy); Mr. Roberto Ceccaroni (Italy) and Mr. Marco Capelli (Italy).Ring-master: Sig. Alberto Manerba (Italia). L’architetto e artista italiana Federica Crestani con la mostra Art & Horse di dipinti a olio e sculture raffi- nate furono gli ospiti speciali di questa 2a edizione. L’intera competizione poté essere seguita in diretta via Livestream grazie alle telecamere di Arabian Es- sence (Italia). La seconda edizione di Arabiam Dream sarà una data da ricordare per tutta una serie di ragioni. Dopo il lungo lockdown che a partire dagli inizi di aprile 2020 aveva provocato lo stallo dell’industria degli show di morfologia, il successo dell’evento organiz- zato da Gianluca Martino dimostrò la sua capaci- tà di fungere da volàno per la ripresa delle attività generali del settore, rispondendo alle aspettative di tanti professionisti, particolarmente dei più giovani. Le classi qualificatesi per le finali erano di altissima qualità, gli handler molto concentrati e ognuno die- de il meglio di sé nell’ arena. La cerimonia finale fu un momento particolarmente solenne. Sulle note di Heal The World di Michael Jackson i giudici furo- no invitati a portare la mano destra all’altezza del loro cuore. Erano tutti in piedi al centro dell’arena, lo sguardo intenso e gli occhi pieni di commozione. Pertanto, ci sembra giusto ringraziare innanzitutto il fautore di Arabian Dream 2021, il Sig. Gianluca Martino per tutti i gli sforzi compiuti in una con- giuntura caratterizzata da mille criticità. Bravo! Si ringraziano il Sig. Adriano Della Vella, titolare dell’ASD Centro Ippico del Cristallo, e tutto il suo staff per la calorosa ospitalità e la collaborazione di prim’ordine. Grazie Maria Baleri, Stefano Serni e Fieracavalli Ve- rona per essere stato il miglior Partner in assoluto in questo progetto. Grazie ad Anna Scarpa, la voce che ha animato tutto lo show. Grazie ai fotografi Paola Drera e Alessio Azzali. I loro scatti mozzafiato te- stimonieranno sempre il successo e la gioia di quei giorni. Grazie a Debora Martino, ammirammo tutti il suo duro lavoro in qualità di segretaria generale. In conclusione, vogliamo esprimere il nostro più sentito ringraziamento a tutti gli sponsor che so- stennero l’evento con tanto entusiasmo e generosità.

Arabian Dream 2020

Written by Sonja Smaldone

Due to the second spike of Covid-19 pandemic in autumn 2020, the much-awaited 2nd edition of Arabian Dream was procrastinated to the long we- ekend from 11th to 13th December in the beautiful structures of “ASD Circolo Ippico del Cristallo” lo- cated nearby Treviso. Following the cancellation of the official dates with all the upheavals of the moment, ArabianVibe Srls, under the leadership of Mr. Gianluca Martino, kept working intensely, incessantly, and amazingly on the preparation of the event that besides the Ecaho affiliated B-International show hosted the Futurity Championship with the Females and Males born in 2020 sponsored by European Breeders Trust, the Aljassimya Amateur Classes sponsored by Aljas- simya Stud from Qatar and reserved for non-profes- sional handlers, the Straight Egyptian Event and the last leg of the Italian Show Tour 2020, reserved for horses born and bred in Italy and owned by Italian breeders. The Ecaho B - International Show registered a be- autiful handful of Arabian specimens coming from different parts of the world, including many natio- nal and international champion horses who already exist in the historical record. We had the privilege of working with an extraordinary judge panel com- posed of Mr. Gianmarco Aragno (Italy), Mr. Fausto Scanzi (Italy), Mrs. Anna Stajanowska (Poland), and Mrs. Michaela Wedined (Germany). Disciplinary Commissioners: Mr. Giampaolo Teo- baldelli (Italy); Mr. Roberto Ceccaroni (Italy) and Mr. Marco Capelli (Italy). In his quality as a Ring-master: Mr. Alberto Maner- ba (Italy). Italian architect and artist Federica Crestani with the Art & Horse exhibition of oil paintings and re- fined sculpture were the special guests at this 2nd edition. The whole competition could be followed live via Livestream thanks to the cameras of Arabian Essence (Italy). The second edition of Arabian Dream will be a date to remember for several different reasons. Following the lockdown from the beginning of April 2020 that had led to a period of stalemate in the morphology show industry, the success of the event organized by Gianluca Martino demonstrated its ability to act as a driving force for the resumption of the general activities, responding to the expecta- tions of many professionals, especially the youngest. The qualifying classes were all of outstanding qua- lity, the handlers were very focused, and each gave their best in the arena. The ending ceremony was very moving. At some point, the judges put their right hand at the height of their heart to the tune of Michael Jackson’s s Heal The World. They were all standing together in the middle of the arena. And we even saw a glimmer of a tear in the eye of some. In the tribunes, spectators were overwhelmed by the joyful atmosphere and the halo of magic surrounding the arena. Therefore, it seems fair to thank first of all the crea- tor of the Arabian Dream 2021, Mr. Gianluca Marti- no, for all the efforts he made in a situation characte- rized by a thousand critical issues. Good boy! Thanks to Mr. Adriano Della Vella, owner of ASD Centro Ippico del Cristallo, and all his staff for the warm hospitality and first-class cooperation. Thanks to Maria Baleri, Stefano Serni and Fieraca- valli Verona for having been the best Partner ever in this project. Thanks to Anna Scarpa, the voice that talked smo- othly all along with the show. Thanks to photo- graphers Paola Drera and Alessio Azzali. Their stun- ning shots will always testify to the success and the joy of those days. Thanks to Debora Martino, we all admired her hard work as general secretary of the show. In conclusion, we want to express our most heartfelt thank you to all the sponsors supporting the event so eagerly and so generously.

Arabian Dream 2020

Written by Sonja Smaldone

ARABIAN DREAM 2020 ECAHO B - INTERNATIONAL SHOW - Treviso Written by Sonja Smaldone Due to the second spike of Covid-19 pandemic in autumn 2020, the much-awaited 2nd edition of Arabian Dream was procrastinated to the long we- ekend from 11th to 13th December in the beautiful structures of “ASD Circolo Ippico del Cristallo” lo- cated nearby Treviso. Following the cancellation of the official dates with all the upheavals of the moment, ArabianVibe Srls, under the leadership of Mr. Gianluca Martino, kept working intensely, incessantly, and amazingly on the preparation of the event that besides the Ecaho affiliated B-International show hosted the Futurity Championship with the Females and Males born in 2020 sponsored by European Breeders Trust, the Aljassimya Amateur Classes sponsored by Aljas- simya Stud from Qatar and reserved for non-profes- sional handlers, the Straight Egyptian Event and the last leg of the Italian Show Tour 2020, reserved for horses born and bred in Italy and owned by Italian breeders. The Ecaho B - International Show registered a be- autiful handful of Arabian specimens coming from different parts of the world, including many natio- nal and international champion horses who already exist in the historical record. We had the privilege of working with an extraordinary judge panel com- posed of Mr. Gianmarco Aragno (Italy), Mr. Fausto Scanzi (Italy), Mrs. Anna Stajanowska (Poland), and Mrs. Michaela Wedined (Germany). Disciplinary Commissioners: Mr. Giampaolo Teo- baldelli (Italy); Mr. Roberto Ceccaroni (Italy) and Mr. Marco Capelli (Italy).Ring-master: Sig. Alberto Manerba (Italia). L’architetto e artista italiana Federica Crestani con la mostra Art & Horse di dipinti a olio e sculture raffi- nate furono gli ospiti speciali di questa 2a edizione. L’intera competizione poté essere seguita in diretta via Livestream grazie alle telecamere di Arabian Es- sence (Italia). La seconda edizione di Arabiam Dream sarà una data da ricordare per tutta una serie di ragioni. Dopo il lungo lockdown che a partire dagli inizi di aprile 2020 aveva provocato lo stallo dell’industria degli show di morfologia, il successo dell’evento organiz- zato da Gianluca Martino dimostrò la sua capaci- tà di fungere da volàno per la ripresa delle attività generali del settore, rispondendo alle aspettative di tanti professionisti, particolarmente dei più giovani. Le classi qualificatesi per le finali erano di altissima qualità, gli handler molto concentrati e ognuno die- de il meglio di sé nell’ arena. La cerimonia finale fu un momento particolarmente solenne. Sulle note di Heal The World di Michael Jackson i giudici furo- no invitati a portare la mano destra all’altezza del loro cuore. Erano tutti in piedi al centro dell’arena, lo sguardo intenso e gli occhi pieni di commozione. Pertanto, ci sembra giusto ringraziare innanzitutto il fautore di Arabian Dream 2021, il Sig. Gianluca Martino per tutti i gli sforzi compiuti in una con- giuntura caratterizzata da mille criticità. Bravo! Si ringraziano il Sig. Adriano Della Vella, titolare dell’ASD Centro Ippico del Cristallo, e tutto il suo staff per la calorosa ospitalità e la collaborazione di prim’ordine. Grazie Maria Baleri, Stefano Serni e Fieracavalli Ve- rona per essere stato il miglior Partner in assoluto in questo progetto. Grazie ad Anna Scarpa, la voce che ha animato tutto lo show. Grazie ai fotografi Paola Drera e Alessio Azzali. I loro scatti mozzafiato te- stimonieranno sempre il successo e la gioia di quei giorni. Grazie a Debora Martino, ammirammo tutti il suo duro lavoro in qualità di segretaria generale. In conclusione, vogliamo esprimere il nostro più sentito ringraziamento a tutti gli sponsor che so- stennero l’evento con tanto entusiasmo e generosità.

Arabian Vibe S.R.L.S. - Via Brignano Inf. - 84100 - Salerno - Italy - P.IVA:05458400651

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